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Friday, April 21, 2006

Wedding Pictures!

Finally i've sorted through all the gorgeous wedding pictures- The ceremony was just gorgeous. It was held at Fanham's hall in Ware, and i have never such a gorgeous grounds (remember Mr. Darcy's grounds of Pemberly- think that.. with more greenery!)

Anyway- the ceremony was VERY emotional- when it came time for her to say 'I Do,' Lisa's (the bride) 8 year old daughter Johanna (the maid of honour) had a huge smile on her face, nodded her head and told her mom to say yes! Oh i'm such a sap...

The groom and best man (my uncle Peter and uncle Tony, respectably) were decked out in tails and top hats! Don't they look dashing? (See if you can spot the top hat in the following pictures...)

Bride and groom aside, the man of the hour would have to be the toastmaster! do we have these here? Kam- SERIOUSLY look into getting one! he wears a red jacket and slaps a wooded noise maker thing whenever he wants everyone's attention. (he was even sweet enough to let Di and I pose with him!)

(Warning- never leave my Dad, a top hat
and a purse unattended... please?!)

(My Cousin Steph- the cutest flower girl ever!)

(Pete in a suit- never thought i'd see the day...
doesn't that boy clean up good?!!)

(Leave it to Di to find a way into the pictures-
just stand next to a bridesmaid!)

Don't let this guy's professional air fool you- this bad boy can move on the dance floor. He 'walks the dog,' 'goes fishing,' 'pulls the roast out of the oven'- and pretty much anything else Di suggests!

(Sigh.. don't you remember when we were that young?!)


At 11:07 PM , Blogger claireification said...

oh my god, your moms dress is AWESOME!! I LOVE IT!!

thanks for posting wedding pictures... I love wedding pictures!!

At 1:54 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

That looks like such a cool place to get married! oh...and you mentioned Mr. Darcy! --be still my beating heart!

At 9:48 AM , Blogger Sand said...

I know eh? my mom looked pretty good! She even got picked up by a random guy on the dance floor..
(Perhaps that's why my dad danced so much after!)


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