Welcome to... The Monkey's Closet

Monday, July 24, 2006

Ciao Ottawa

Song of the day- Bright Eyes "First Day of my Life"- download it... it's great- and if you have a second watch the video...

Yes- While everyone moves on to bigger and better things/places (Kingston/Calgary/South America) i'm regressing and moving back in with my parents.. but there are bonuses right? no rent... free food... a loving home.... no buses... a fuzzy dog???

Anyway- yesterday was my last full day enjoying the city/my independence, so Kyle and I took to the market, packed a picnic lunch and hung out on the hill overlooking Ottawa/Hull. We had an awesome day.. In other news- only 7 more days until i leave for Europe!

Monday, July 17, 2006

If you see a heat wave, should you wave back?

Good lord people- i've tried and tried.. but i have quickly realized i can not live without an air-conditioner... or at least a cool basement...

I've been taking about 3 COLD showers a day, sleeping with 3 fans on me.. and i still sweat like a fat kid chasing a cheeseburger...

AND tomorrow i have to start packing- in this heat? i don't think so.
I think it just might be a beach day if this humidity keeps up.

Any suggestions????

Friday, July 14, 2006

T minus 17 days and counting!

only 17 more days till Diana and I jump on a plane to Portugal.. and i'm starting to get excited!

We'll be staying with our super cool cousin down there.. and traveling around (camping) with her friends! This will mark the first time seeing the country without my parents!

We'll be traveling to the BEAUTIFUL Monte Gordo beach in the southern points, perhaps venturing into Spain (Sevilla) and taking time to travel up north (to Porto) as well...

It's going to be (for lack of a better term...) Freakin' Sweet !

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Oh David Hasselhoff....

"Jump in my car"
"Secret Agent Man"
"Falling in Love Again"
And my personal favourite- "Hooked on a Feeling"

my ode to the Hoff and his green screen- his best music videos in one sweet post.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Massari and Belly...

vs suburban neighborhood in Greely.

So I was working with Paula at work yesterday (she's a mom of 2 small boys) and she told me that music stars Massari and Belly moved into a house in their neighborhood! (don't know who they are? check out belly's site- Bellylive.com- which is Painted on a huge white escalade across an even more imposing picture of the artist.)

Anyway- apparently the new tenants presented their new neighbor's with a massive gift basket- letting them know they'd be 'recording' there, and there "might" be an increase in traffic around the house. Please remember- this is like a nice house in a nice suburban FAMILY oriented area.

HA! Last week around 8 o'clock PM (read- kids still playing in the streets) the house was rushed by police officers WITH RIFLES DRAWN!

Hope poor Massari has extra gift baskets in his basements!

FYI- the old tenants of the house used it for porn.. As the poor old man across the street found out when he saw a group of young naked Asian girls run across the big open front windows repeatedly! (Ottawahotties.com if you're interested!) perhaps that's why Massari wanted the house?

Note to self- don't buy a house in Greely!