Welcome to... The Monkey's Closet

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Well- better late then never right? after about two months of careful deliberation i've narrowed my 850 potugal pictures to... well.. somthing less that 850!

Yummy barbequed sardinhas! And the trick to picking the fresh ones? make sure they're still bleeding. (words of wisdom from a little old potugese lady at the market)

This is Diana's stomache. sure- it looks calm and serene on the outside.. but after a half a bottle of wine and a whole wheel of cheese it's not so happy on the inside. On top of it is the "natural" laxative she sent us out for!

My cousin Ines chillin' on the Beach. In Portugal for a total of 3 weeks, and we got to spend over 2 on the beaches of the Algarve!!!!

Don't i look like i've been super-imposed on top of this picture? was i really even there?

Diana and I enjoying our nightly cappucino at bar 42 in the Algarve... so yummy.

Valter (Ines boyfriend), myself, Diana and Ines enjoying a deliciously girly cocktail with super long straws.

The Beautiful scenery of the first beach we hit in the algarve (Lagos)

These are some pictures from our day trip to Sintra. It was beautiful- but tons of walking.. we hiked up like 1.5 hours worth of old stairs to get to the top- but the view was worth it! (interesting tid bit- you could also see the house where they filmed the Ninth Gate.. probably the closest i'll ever get to Johnny Depp)


At 9:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh a new post it's a miracle.

looks lovely, keep them coming please.

At 7:24 PM , Blogger Eric Rosenhek said...

Love the pics. Great scenery.


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