Welcome to... The Monkey's Closet

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Post-Christmas Team Building Party

For our "Christmas Party" our fearless leaders at Dynamic took us all (and our guests) to The Cookworks in Toronto. For those of you that have never heard of it- it's a restaurant where you break into teams and make your meal alongside professional chefs. It was so much fun (and super delicious)

The First course (my group) made Hot Pot Soup, the second course was a yummy salad with the best balsamic dressing ever, the main course was the best beef i've ever tasted, and the dessert group (Kyle's group) made pastry filled with iced cream and covered in chocolate and iced cream.

The favourite team of the evening turned out to be team drink. It was unlimited drink here, and everyone took advantage of- and then some. I definately work with a unique crowd- either that or I have never gotten drunk with middle age people (everything from dancing around the table to singing in unison to feeling other people up!)
Here are some of the pictures! (courtesy of a co worker!)

(Andrea, Me, Kyle, and Neil)

(The Chefs)

(The Winning Team)

I forgot to mention- each group had to present our dish in a creative way- and Dr. Kyle Pile's claims that the dessert was everyone's window to weight lose completely took the cake! Here he is with his prize.. a gold scrubber brush- which means he's in charge of scrubbing all the pots for LIFE!

(Sand and Kyle's quest for a half-desent picture continues.. an awesome picture of Kyle, but I look like i'm trying to eat the flower.. but it was the best one that my bosses husband could get!)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hope you all had a VERY Merry Christmas and enjoyed a happy New Year's Eve...
Kyle and I went to this CRAZY James Bond 007 party up at Blue Mountain. (Although without the scantily clad young women carrying large playing cards and the James Bond Logo on the big screen one may have run the risk of missing the boat on that one- especially at the lack of martinis!)

But we had an awesome time.. got to dress up.. DANCE.. and Kyle even ran into a slew of friends from high school.

Here's the skinny on the evening as a whole:

THE BEST PART: (after spending an evening out with Kyle of course!) would have to be the large ice sculpture of the Coors light beer bottle.. i like to say its hick meets chic.

THE WORST PART: (after fighting an awful cold that would later turn into bronchitis) crazy little town has no cabs guys! we waited for about an hour and 45 minutes (in the designated cab area) and saw not one cab. In the end we took a shuttle bus back into Collingwood and had to walk home in the rain.. in my heels.. with my cold.. and Kyle threatening to move to a town where cabs are plentiful.