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Friday, May 26, 2006

The Grey-haired engine that could...

Mad props for Taylor Hicks everybody!!!!

who'd've thunk..Taylor Hicks wins American Idol.. even his single (cheesy as it may be) sounds original and AWESOME!!!! I don't know if i'll by the album, but i sure as ehll plan on downloading it!


(now what will i do tuesday nights?)



At 11:45 PM , Blogger Corina Milic said...

hold on a second Sandra! Let's not get crazy. First, I'm super excited he won too.
BUT that single is in no way shape or form great. What made him win, is that he could put his own self into a cheesy single while the girly couldn't.
Yes, that's right. I said girly.

At 9:42 AM , Blogger Sand said...

I know its cheesy, and i'm not looking forward to that getting overplayed on the radio- but it's taylor core... TAYLOR

(he can do no wrong!)

At 9:09 AM , Blogger claireification said...

I'm a McPhee Phan


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