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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Let's go Buffalo!

Oh Ottawa- it's just sad.. eliminated on a short handed goal.. I don't think Ottawa could get past the second round if they were playing in a Tim Bits hockey league!

But at least that's the end of all those annoying "rev up the red" commericials!

(Claire this one's pour vous!)


At 10:42 AM , Blogger Corina Milic said...

Downtown Toronto, where you'd think I'd be safe booing the Sens and, if not jumping for joy and saying EAT THAT, then at least grinning in that I'm-slightly-lording-it-over-you way.

Especially after all those digs at the Maple Leafs in Ottawa by many people including my boyfriend (especially considering I'm not even that pumped up a fan).

But no, I was in the one household in all of Toronto where two Ottawatonians were watching the game in agony. After the goal, Lee went to his room and turned on some angry music (which soon turned into "It's a Wonderful World" so I think he got over it quickly enough).

I tried the "grin" on Brett. I gave him a condescending pat on the back. And he had the audacity to say, "well you don't have to gloat about it."

About to give a tart reply, I looked up at his teary eyes, the hopeless set of his shoulders...and felt guilt.

Le sigh.

At 11:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toronto Maple Leafs. Worst team in Canada. 'Nuff said. 'Nuff said indeed


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