Welcome to... The Monkey's Closet

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What a week!

Nothing like a nice relaxing summer working at Pier One right? Only I just found out my manager was being "optimistic" when she promised me 30 hours a week... turns out they had to hire another manager who eats up 30 hours.. and i'm stuck with 15!

The desperate job search commences....

In other news- we're getting a barbeque tomorrow! it's mini... its charcoal... it sits on a table! and a router.. which means internet for me finally!

I (actually Core) had a thought- Christmas in July anyone? if people are free for canada day again everyone's welcome to stay here! (details to follow if people are interested)


At 9:48 PM , Blogger claireification said...

where are the videos I began to rely on for entertainment. oh and good luck with the job search.


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