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Saturday, April 29, 2006


So i am officially done with Carleton University (well i suppose i still have to go back for grad photo's and graduation) but i will never have to submit another piece of work again!

Of course I am now unemployed which means i'll have plenty of time on my hands...
hopefully not this much though- here's a clip of Grand Theft Auto re-enacted using lego... that's talent.



Thursday, April 27, 2006

if only i went to school for drama...

guys how awesome is this?

Who needs a pick me up??



So I've had an awful week so far- I found a big bug crawling through my cupboards (and I can only assume it was a baby cockroach, as the building has been infested with them before..) and freaked out, and threw EVERYTHING in the cupboard in the garbage. (read- no real food till payday)

I also had to write a Canadian Public Policy exam yesterday, which I REALLY think I bombed.. and I got the paper back for that class right after and the mark just didn't put me in a better mood. So last night I made a frozen pizza, and sat in front of the TV for 4 hours straight (a new record for me) and enjoyed American Idol, Lost (the recap episode), and Amazing race (was anyone else sad to see the old couple go?)

And to top it off that awful feeling you get after vegging out for 4 hours and consuming half a pizza, my sister and my mom are going to the spa the weekend together- a nice big package too- cardio in the morning, smoothies, then head to the spa for seaweed wraps and massages... and manicures... you know you're officially out of the family when eh? I decided I'm going to book myself a pedicure next month only it's just no fun to go alone- anyone want to come? if not- I may have to drag Kyle...

Monday, April 24, 2006

War of the Sexes

Did anyone catch the miniseries 'war of the sexes' on CBC last month? It looks kind of interesting- and its repeating in May....

Sunday, April 23, 2006


The Fellas At The Freakin' FCC Song
Peter: They will clean up all your talking in a matter such as this
Brian: They will make you take a tinkle when you want to take a p*ss
Stewie: And they’ll make you call fellatio a trouser-friendly kiss
Peter, Brian, & Stewie: It’s the plain situation! There's no negiotiation!
Peter: With the fellows at the freakin FCC!
Brian: They’re as stuffy as the stuffiest of the special interest groups…
Peter: Make a joke about your bowels and they order in the troops
Stewie: Any baby with a brain could tell them everybody poops!
Peter, Brian, & Stewie: Take a tip, take a lesson! You’ll never win by messin’
Peter: With the fellas at the freakin’ FCC And if you find yourself with some you sexy thing You’re gonna have to do her with your ding-a-ling Cause you can’t say penis! So they sent this little warning they’re prepared to do the worst
Brian: And they stuck it in your mailbox hoping you could be co-erced
Stewie: I can think of quite another place they should have stuck it first!
Peter, Brian, & Stewie: They may just be neurotic Or possible psychotic They’re the fellas at the freakin FCC!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Rehersal Dinner and Wedding Part 2

Just for shits and giggles- i'm going to post some pics from the rehersal dinner and wedding part 2- cause i know you all are dying to see family pictures! We all got really camera happy- amazing what yummy food, good conversation and a whole lotta wine will do eh?
My uncle had ordered so much wine- Di and I were determined not to let any of it go to waste... after she took me for a walk to 'sober me up' but I had the last laugh- who spent all night talking on the big white phone? not me! (for once.)

After the wedding, we all (bride and groom included) travelled to Toronto for wedding part 2! my grandfather can't travel, so we brought the party to them-My grandparents had what seemed like the entire Italian and Ukranian population of the GTA over in their basement and had more yummy food.. and of course- more wine!

Wedding Pictures!

Finally i've sorted through all the gorgeous wedding pictures- The ceremony was just gorgeous. It was held at Fanham's hall in Ware, and i have never such a gorgeous grounds (remember Mr. Darcy's grounds of Pemberly- think that.. with more greenery!)

Anyway- the ceremony was VERY emotional- when it came time for her to say 'I Do,' Lisa's (the bride) 8 year old daughter Johanna (the maid of honour) had a huge smile on her face, nodded her head and told her mom to say yes! Oh i'm such a sap...

The groom and best man (my uncle Peter and uncle Tony, respectably) were decked out in tails and top hats! Don't they look dashing? (See if you can spot the top hat in the following pictures...)

Bride and groom aside, the man of the hour would have to be the toastmaster! do we have these here? Kam- SERIOUSLY look into getting one! he wears a red jacket and slaps a wooded noise maker thing whenever he wants everyone's attention. (he was even sweet enough to let Di and I pose with him!)

(Warning- never leave my Dad, a top hat
and a purse unattended... please?!)

(My Cousin Steph- the cutest flower girl ever!)

(Pete in a suit- never thought i'd see the day...
doesn't that boy clean up good?!!)

(Leave it to Di to find a way into the pictures-
just stand next to a bridesmaid!)

Don't let this guy's professional air fool you- this bad boy can move on the dance floor. He 'walks the dog,' 'goes fishing,' 'pulls the roast out of the oven'- and pretty much anything else Di suggests!

(Sigh.. don't you remember when we were that young?!)

Monday, April 17, 2006


The second day we were there, Diana, Pete and I decided to take a trip into Cambridge. Unfortunately i didn't find a nice cute Cambridge university grad to marry, so i eventually had to leave! Seriously- the campus is unlike anything i've seen before- and those bridges! After our bus tour of the city, we took a punting tour of the rivers (read: a long flat boat with a cute british guy pushing it along with a long stick) Did i mention i love England?


Sorry for the lack of posts guys (ie-Claire, Core) i've been too busy relishing in the delicious British accents in Cambridge! My uncle (finally) got married this past week in jolly ol' Ware (just outside of Cambrige) which provided an excuse for my whole family to go out there. Di, Pete and I were ditched by our parents, who choose to stop over in Amsterdam on the way over (WEIRD NO???)
Anyway.. we were sternly told to be at the airport on time, and not to forget our invididual envelopes containing our passports, tickets, and sustainance pounds. (Luckily they didn't make us wear them around our necks!)
Here's Di and Pete- VERY early for our flight to London!

They indulged my camera happiness for a while, but after a good 2 hours on the plane my travel companions start to ignore me...

We stayed at The Old Bull Inn in Royston- Very cute with lots of character. It took Diana and I two cold nights to figure out we could turn the heat on in our room. Of course it didn't bother her- she never leaves home without her long underwear!)

(Random Royston Pictures- Such a gorgeous town- It looks like its right out of a Jane Austen novel!) And that rock- yea its the Roystone- stone.. the tourist attraction!

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Officially done ALL my papers for the year. Should be cause for celebration yes?
Only finishing school means i'm unemployed.. and apparently with no marketable skills...

Hey you know what cheers me up? knowing there are always people worse off then you.. Peter Griffin- you give me reason to hope...
